Magento Development

A website is a starting point for the success of any business and Tech Mushrooms make you grow on the right track and takes you to the next level of excellence with extensive experience in creating high-performing Magento Websites. Our dedication, hard work, and technical expertise serve as an impetus to face any challenge with confidence and serve customers in a way they want.

Extensive expertise and experience of working with various editions (including CE, EE, and ECE) of Magento 2 with a variety of modules and 3rd party integrations are what make us the trusted choice of the top brands. From the planning phase to designing, building, testing, developing, and successfully launching Magento Websites, we assure that projects are completed within the allocated budget and time. We follow these steps for the successful launching of Magento Website to make things happen in a great manner:

Requirement Analysis

We believe that every project’s success depends upon the deep understanding of the project requirements at each step from planning to its complete execution. Therefore, our experienced project managers ensure complete analysis of project requirements to meet exact specifications during the initial discovery phase to avoid any loopholes.

Designing Product Architecture

We have unmatched expertise in crafting a result-driven e-commerce website that is functional as well as converts browsers into customers. With highly creative UX principles, we can help you to design a seamless balance of the brand lead design.


Working through the project’s requirement analysis while prioritizing tasks, sustaining progress along with regular client’s feedback sessions are the essentials of the development phase to bring ideas into reality.


The most important part after development is to integrate existing systems with the website. Integrations of ERP or incorporation of third party systems in combination with the main website development guarantees a flawless project delivery. 


Carefully, we use software testing methodology to ensure vigorous and constant monitoring of the end product. Because we know that well-planned routine testing is critical to any successful Magento Development. Therefore, our development team keeps an eye on each step throughout the testing process.


Knowing that launching a new website successfully is crucial and the end-result surely depends upon the flawless and smooth execution of preceding steps. To achieve better launching results, we ensure a smooth transition with minimal downtime in combination with an effective strategy to prevent any trouble in its website’s search engine rankings.